
EOS should be installed on a capable computer in the laboratory. We recommend a central computer that is easily accessible.


If EOS will be connecting to other computers to run automation, then you must ensure that the computer where EOS is installed has bi-directional network access to the other computers.

We strongly recommend that the laboratory has its own isolated network for security and performance reasons. See infrastructure setup for more information.

EOS also requires a MongoDB database, a MinIO object storage server, and (for now) Budibase for the web UI. We provide a Docker Compose file that can set up all of these services for you.

1. Install PDM#

PDM is used as the project manager for EOS, making it easier to install dependencies and build it.

See the PDM documentation for more information or if you encounter any issues.

curl -sSL | python3 -
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -

2. Clone the EOS Repository#

git clone

3. Make a Virtual Environment#

We create a virtual environment to isolate the dependencies of EOS from the rest of the system. The virtual environment is created in a env directory inside the EOS repository directory. Feel free to use PDM to manage the virtual environment instead. Other sections of the documentation will assume that you are using a virtual environment located inside the EOS repository directory.

cd eos # Navigate to the cloned repository
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate

4. Install Dependencies#

Navigate to the cloned repository and run:

pdm install

(Optional) If you wish to contribute to EOS development:

pdm install -G dev

(Optional) If you also wish to contribute to the EOS documentation:

pdm install -G docs