
Experiments are a set of tasks that are executed in a specific order. Experiments are represented as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) where nodes are tasks and edges are dependencies between tasks. Tasks part of an experiment can pass parameters and containers to each other using EOS’ reference system. Task parameters may be fully defined, with values provided for all task parameters or they may be left undefined by denoting them as dynamic parameters. Experiments with dynamic parameters can be used to run campaigns of experiments, where an optimizer generates the values for the dynamic parameters across repeated experiments to optimize some objectives.

Example experiment graph

Above is an example of a possible experiment that could be implemented with EOS. There is a series of tasks, each requiring one or more devices. In addition to the task precedence dependencies with edges shown in the graph, there can also be dependencies in the form of parameters and containers passed between tasks. For example, the task “Mix Solutions” may take as input parameters the volumes of the solutions to mix, and these values may be output from the “Dispense Solutions” task. Tasks can reference input/output parameters and containers from other tasks.

Experiment Implementation#

  • Experiments are implemented in the experiments subdirectory inside an EOS package

  • Each experiment has its own subfolder (e.g., experiments/optimize_yield)

  • There are two key files per experiment: experiment.yml and optimizer.py (for running campaigns with optimization)

YAML File (experiment.yml)#

Defines the experiment. Specifies the experiment type, labs, container initialization (optional), and tasks

Below is an example experiment YAML file for an experiment to optimize parameters to synthesize a specific color:


type: color_mixing
desc: Experiment to find optimal parameters to synthesize a desired color

  - color_lab

  - id: retrieve_container
    type: Retrieve Container
    desc: Get a random available container from storage and move it to the color dispenser
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: container_storage
      c_a: c_a
      c_b: c_b
      c_c: c_c
      c_d: c_d
      c_e: c_e
      target_location: color_dispenser
    dependencies: []

  - id: dispense_colors
    type: Dispense Colors
    desc: Dispense a color from the color dispenser into the container
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: color_dispenser
      beaker: retrieve_container.beaker
      cyan_volume: eos_dynamic
      magenta_volume: eos_dynamic
      yellow_volume: eos_dynamic
      black_volume: eos_dynamic
    dependencies: [retrieve_container]

  - id: move_container_to_mixer
    type: Move Container
    desc: Move the container to the magnetic mixer
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: magnetic_mixer
      beaker: dispense_colors.beaker
      target_location: magnetic_mixer
    dependencies: [dispense_colors]

  - id: mix_colors
    type: Magnetic Mixing
    desc: Mix the colors in the container
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: magnetic_mixer
      beaker: move_container_to_mixer.beaker
      mixing_time: eos_dynamic
      mixing_speed: eos_dynamic
    dependencies: [move_container_to_mixer]

  - id: move_container_to_analyzer
    type: Move Container
    desc: Move the container to the color analyzer
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: color_analyzer
      beaker: mix_colors.beaker
      target_location: color_analyzer
    dependencies: [mix_colors]

  - id: analyze_color
    type: Analyze Color
    desc: Analyze the color of the solution in the container and output the RGB values
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: color_analyzer
      beaker: move_container_to_analyzer.beaker
    dependencies: [move_container_to_analyzer]

  - id: score_color
    type: Score Color
    desc: Score the color based on the RGB values
      red: analyze_color.red
      green: analyze_color.green
      blue: analyze_color.blue
    dependencies: [analyze_color]

  - id: empty_container
    type: Empty Container
    desc: Empty the container and move it to the cleaning station
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: cleaning_station
      beaker: analyze_color.beaker
      emptying_location: emptying_location
      target_location: cleaning_station
    dependencies: [analyze_color]

  - id: clean_container
    type: Clean Container
    desc: Clean the container by rinsing it with distilled water
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: cleaning_station
      beaker: empty_container.beaker
    dependencies: [empty_container]

  - id: store_container
    type: Store Container
    desc: Store the container back in the container storage
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: container_storage
      beaker: clean_container.beaker
      storage_location: container_storage
    dependencies: [clean_container]

Let’s dissect this file:

type: color_mixing
desc: Experiment to find optimal parameters to synthesize a desired color

  - color_lab

Every experiment has a type. The type is used to essentially identify the class of experiment. When an experiment is running then there are instances of the experiment with different IDs. Each experiment also requires one or more labs.

Now let’s look at the first task in the experiment:

- id: retrieve_container
  type: Retrieve Container
  desc: Get a random available container from storage and move it to the color dispenser
    - lab_id: color_lab
      id: robot_arm
    - lab_id: color_lab
      id: container_storage
    c_a: c_a
    c_b: c_b
    c_c: c_c
    c_d: c_d
    c_e: c_e
    target_location: color_dispenser
  dependencies: []

The first task is named retrieve_container and is of type Retrieve Container. This task uses the robot arm to get a random container from storage. The task requires two devices, the robot arm and the container storage. There are five containers passed to it, “c_a” through “c_e”. There is also a parameter target_location that is set to color_dispenser. This task has no dependencies as it is the first task in the experiment and is essentially a container feeder. There are five containers in storage, and one of them is chosen at random for the experiment. All five containers in our “color lab” are passed to this task, as any one of them could be chosen.

Let’s look at the next task:

- id: dispense_colors
  type: Dispense Colors
  desc: Dispense a color from the color dispenser into the container
    - lab_id: color_lab
      id: color_dispenser
    beaker: retrieve_container.beaker
    cyan_volume: eos_dynamic
    magenta_volume: eos_dynamic
    yellow_volume: eos_dynamic
    black_volume: eos_dynamic
  dependencies: [retrieve_container]

This task takes the container from the retrieve_container task and dispenses colors into it. The task has an input container called “beaker” which references the output container named “beaker” from the retrieve_container task. If we look at the task.yml file of the task Retrieve Container we would see that a container named “beaker” is defined in output_containers. There are also four parameters, the CMYK volumes to dispense. All these parameters are set to eos_dynamic, which is a special keyword in EOS for defining dynamic parameters, instructing the system that these parameters must be specified either by the user or an optimizer before an experiment is run.

Optimizer File (optimizer.py)#

Contains a function that returns the constructor arguments for and the optimizer class type for an optimizer.

As an example, below is the optimizer file for the color mixing experiment:


from bofire.data_models.acquisition_functions.acquisition_function import qNEI
from bofire.data_models.enum import SamplingMethodEnum
from bofire.data_models.features.continuous import ContinuousOutput, ContinuousInput
from bofire.data_models.objectives.identity import MinimizeObjective

from eos.optimization.sequential_bayesian_optimizer import BayesianSequentialOptimizer
from eos.optimization.abstract_sequential_optimizer import AbstractSequentialOptimizer

def eos_create_campaign_optimizer() -> tuple[dict, type[AbstractSequentialOptimizer]]:
    constructor_args = {
        "inputs": [
            ContinuousInput(key="dispense_colors.cyan_volume", bounds=(0, 5)),
            ContinuousInput(key="dispense_colors.magenta_volume", bounds=(0, 5)),
            ContinuousInput(key="dispense_colors.yellow_volume", bounds=(0, 5)),
            ContinuousInput(key="dispense_colors.black_volume", bounds=(0, 5)),
            ContinuousInput(key="mix_colors.mixing_time", bounds=(1, 15)),
            ContinuousInput(key="mix_colors.mixing_speed", bounds=(10, 500)),
        "outputs": [
            ContinuousOutput(key="score_color.loss", objective=MinimizeObjective(w=1.0)),
        "constraints": [],
        "acquisition_function": qNEI(),
        "num_initial_samples": 50,
        "initial_sampling_method": SamplingMethodEnum.SOBOL,

    return constructor_args, BayesianSequentialOptimizer

The optimizer.py file is optional and only required for running experiment campaigns with optimization managed by EOS. More on optimizers can be found in the Optimizers section of the User Guide.