Color Mixing#

This example demonstrates how EOS can be used to implement a virtual color mixing experiment. In this experiment, we mix CMYK ingredient colors to produce a target color. By employing Bayesian optimization, the goal is to find task input parameters to synthesize a target color with a secondary objective of minimizing the amount of color ingredients used. To make it easy to try out, this example uses no physical devices, but instead uses virtual ones. Color mixing is simulated using real-time fluid simulation running in a web browser.

The example is implemented in an EOS package called color_lab, and can be found here.


  1. Install the package’s dependencies in the EOS virtual environment:

    pip3 install pymixbox websockets
  2. Load the package in EOS:

    1. Place the color_lab directory in the user directory of your EOS installation.

    2. Edit the config.yml file to have the following for user_dir, labs, and experiments:

      user_dir: ./user
        - color_lab
        - color_mixing_1
        - color_mixing_2
        - color_mixing_3

Sample Usage#

  1. cd into the eos directory

  2. Run python3 user/color_lab/ to start the fluid simulation and simulated device drivers.

  3. Follow the running guide to run EOS.

  4. Submit tasks, experiments, or campaigns through the user interface or the REST API.

For example, you can submit a request to run a campaign through the REST API with curl as follows:

curl -X POST http://localhost:8000/api/campaigns/submit \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
  "id": "mix_colors",
  "experiment_type": "color_mixing_1",
  "max_experiments": 150,
  "max_concurrent_experiments": 1,
  "optimize": true,
  "optimizer_computer_ip": "",
  "dynamic_parameters": {},
  "resume": false


Do not minimize the fluid simulation browser windows while the campaign is running as the simulation may pause running.

Package Structure#

The top-level structure of the color_lab package is as follows:

├── common/ <-- contains shared code
├── devices/ <-- contains the device implementations
├── experiments/ <-- contains the color mixing experiment definitions
├── tasks/ <-- contains the task definitions
├── fluid_simulation/ <-- contains the source code for the fluid simulation web app
└── <-- a script for starting the fluid simulation and socket servers for the devices


The package contains the following device implementations:

  • Color mixer: Sends commands to the fluid simulation to dispense and mix colors.

  • Color analyzer: Queries the fluid simulation to get the average fluid color.

  • Robot arm: Moves sample containers between other devices.

  • Cleaning station: Cleans sample containers (by erasing their stored metadata).

This is the Python code for the color analyzer device:

from typing import Any

from eos.containers.entities.container import Container
from eos.devices.base_device import BaseDevice
from user.color_lab.common.device_client import DeviceClient

class ColorAnalyzerDevice(BaseDevice):
    async def _initialize(self, init_parameters: dict[str, Any]) -> None:
        port = int(init_parameters["port"])
        self.client = DeviceClient(port)

    async def _cleanup(self) -> None:

    async def _report(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
        return {}

    def analyze(self, container: Container) -> tuple[Container, tuple[int, int, int]]:
        rgb = self.client.send_command("analyze", {})
        return container, rgb

You will notice that there is little code here. In fact, the device implementation communicates with another process over a socket. This is a common pattern when integrating devices in the laboratory, as device drivers are usually provided by a 3rd party, such as the device manufacturer. So often the device implementation simply uses the existing driver. In some cases, the device implementation may include a full driver implementation.

The device implementation initializes a client that connects to the device driver over a socket. The device implements one function called analyze, which accepts a container and returns the container and the average RGB value of the fluid color from the fluid simulation. The container isn’t actually used here as its state is stored in the fluid simulation, but we indicatively include it as a parameter.

The device YAML file for the color analyzer device is:


type: color_analyzer
desc: Analyzes the RGB value of a color mixture

  port: 5002

The main thing to notice is that it accepts an initialization parameter called port, which is used to connect to the device driver over a socket.


The package contains the following tasks:

  • Move container: Moves a container from one device to another using the robot arm.

  • Retrieve container: Retrieves a container from storage and moves it to the color mixer using the robot arm.

  • Color mixing: Dispenses and mixes colors using a color mixer (fluid simulation).

  • Analyze color: Analyzes the color of the fluid using a color analyzer (fluid simulation).

  • Score color: Calculates a loss function taking into account how close the mixed color is to the target color and how much color ingredients were used.

  • Empty container: Empties a container with the robot arm.

  • Clean container: Cleans a container with the cleaning station.

  • Store container: Stores a container in storage with the robot arm.

This is the Python code the “Analyze color” task:

from eos.tasks.base_task import BaseTask

class AnalyzeColor(BaseTask):
    async def _execute(
        devices: BaseTask.DevicesType,
        parameters: BaseTask.ParametersType,
        containers: BaseTask.ContainersType,
    ) -> BaseTask.OutputType:
        color_analyzer = devices.get_all_by_type("color_analyzer")[0]

        containers["beaker"], rgb = color_analyzer.analyze(containers["beaker"])

        output_parameters = {
            "red": rgb[0],
            "green": rgb[1],
            "blue": rgb[2],

        return output_parameters, containers, None

The task implementation is straightforward. We first get a reference to the color analyzer device (there is only one allocated to the the task). Then, we call the analyze function from the color analyzer device we saw earlier. Finally, we construct and return the dict of output parameters and the containers.

The task YAML file is the following:


type: Analyze Color
desc: Analyze the color of a solution

  - color_analyzer

    type: beaker

    type: int
    unit: n/a
    desc: The red component of the color
    type: int
    unit: n/a
    desc: The green component of the color
    type: int
    unit: n/a
    desc: The blue component of the color


The laboratory YAML definition is shown below.

We first define locations for every device. The locations have special meaning for the robot arm device, but they are not used for anything else. In general, locations in EOS are useful for registering the physical locations of devices and sample containers in the laboratory. For example, this is important for a mobile manipulation robot which will have to navigate around the lab to pick up and drop off containers.

Next, we define the devices we discussed earlier. Note, however, that we define three color mixers and three color analyzers. The intention is that the laboratory can support up to three simultaneous color mixing experiments. Each color mixer + color analyzer pair require a dedicated fluid simulation.

Finally, we define the containers. We define five beakers with a capacity of 300 mL.


type: color_lab
desc: A laboratory for color analysis and mixing

     desc: Benchtop for color experiments
     desc: Storage unit for containers
     desc: Color mixing apparatus for incrementally dispensing and mixing color solutions
     desc: Color mixing apparatus for incrementally dispensing and mixing color solutions
     desc: Color mixing apparatus for incrementally dispensing and mixing color solutions
     desc: Analyzer for color solutions
     desc: Analyzer for color solutions
     desc: Analyzer for color solutions
     desc: Station for cleaning containers

     desc: Station for cleaning containers
     type: cleaning_station
     location: cleaning_station
     computer: eos_computer

     desc: Robotic arm for moving containers
     type: robot_arm
     location: color_experiment_benchtop
     computer: eos_computer

         - container_storage
         - color_mixer_1
         - color_mixer_2
         - color_mixer_3
         - color_analyzer_1
         - color_analyzer_2
         - color_analyzer_3
         - cleaning_station
         - emptying_location

     desc: Color mixing apparatus for incrementally dispensing and mixing color solutions
     type: color_mixer
     location: color_mixer_1
     computer: eos_computer

       port: 5004

     desc: Color mixing apparatus for incrementally dispensing and mixing color solutions
     type: color_mixer
     location: color_mixer_2
     computer: eos_computer

       port: 5006

     desc: Color mixing apparatus for incrementally dispensing and mixing color solutions
     type: color_mixer
     location: color_mixer_3
     computer: eos_computer

       port: 5008

     desc: Analyzer for color solutions
     type: color_analyzer
     location: color_analyzer_1
     computer: eos_computer

       port: 5003

     desc: Analyzer for color solutions
     type: color_analyzer
     location: color_analyzer_2
     computer: eos_computer

       port: 5005

     desc: Analyzer for color solutions
     type: color_analyzer
     location: color_analyzer_3
     computer: eos_computer

       port: 5007

   - type: beaker
     location: container_storage
       capacity: 300
       - c_a
       - c_b
       - c_c
       - c_d
       - c_e


The color mixing experiment is a linear sequence of the following tasks:

  1. retrieve_container: Get a container from storage and move it to the color mixer.

  2. mix_colors: Iteratively dispense and mix the colors in the container.

  3. move_container_to_analyzer: Move the container from the color mixer to the color analyzer.

  4. analyze_color: Analyze the color of the solution in the container and output the RGB values.

  5. score_color: Score the color (compute the loss function) based on the RGB values.

  6. empty_container: Empty the container and move it to the cleaning station.

  7. clean_container: Clean the container by rinsing it with distilled water.

  8. store_container: Store the container back in the storage.

In this example, we want to be able to run 3 simultaneous color mixing experiments, each using a separate pair of color mixer and color analyzer devices. In addition, each experiment uses a dedicated container. Each of the 3 experiments has a different target color. Ultimately, we set up 3 campaigns, one for each experiment, and we have 3 optimizers. To reduce duplication, we define a Jinja2 templated experiment which we then include and modify for each of the three experiments.

The YAML definition for the template experiment is shown below:


type: {{ experiment_type }}
desc: Experiment to find optimal parameters to synthesize a desired color

  - color_lab

  - id: retrieve_container
    type: Retrieve Container
    desc: Get a container from storage and move it to the color dispenser
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      beaker: {{ container }}
      target_location: {{ color_mixer }}
    dependencies: []

  - id: mix_colors
    type: Color Mixing
    desc: Iteratively dispense and mix the colors in the container
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: {{ color_mixer }}
      beaker: retrieve_container.beaker
      cyan_volume: eos_dynamic
      cyan_strength: eos_dynamic
      magenta_volume: eos_dynamic
      magenta_strength: eos_dynamic
      yellow_volume: eos_dynamic
      yellow_strength: eos_dynamic
      black_volume: eos_dynamic
      black_strength: eos_dynamic

      mixing_time: eos_dynamic
      mixing_speed: eos_dynamic
    dependencies: [retrieve_container]

  - id: move_container_to_analyzer
    type: Move Container
    desc: Move the container from the color mixer to the color analyzer
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: {{ color_mixer }}
      beaker: mix_colors.beaker
      target_location: {{ color_mixer }}
    dependencies: [mix_colors]

  - id: analyze_color
    type: Analyze Color
    desc: Analyze the color of the solution in the container and output the RGB values
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: {{ color_analyzer }}
      beaker: move_container_to_analyzer.beaker
    dependencies: [move_container_to_analyzer]

  - id: score_color
    type: Score Color
    desc: Score the color based on the RGB values
      total_color_volume: mix_colors.total_color_volume
      max_total_color_volume: 300.0 # based on container capacity
      target_color: {{ target_color }}
    dependencies: [analyze_color]

  - id: empty_container
    type: Empty Container
    desc: Empty the container and move it to the cleaning station
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: cleaning_station
      beaker: analyze_color.beaker
      emptying_location: emptying_location
      target_location: cleaning_station
    dependencies: [analyze_color]

  - id: clean_container
    type: Clean Container
    desc: Clean the container by rinsing it with distilled water
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: cleaning_station
      beaker: empty_container.beaker
      duration: 2
    dependencies: [empty_container]

  - id: store_container
    type: Store Container
    desc: Store the container back in the container storage
      - lab_id: color_lab
        id: robot_arm
      beaker: clean_container.beaker
      storage_location: container_storage
    dependencies: [clean_container]

Below is the YAML definition of the first experiment:


{% set experiment_type = 'color_mixing_1' %}
{% set container = 'c_a' %}
{% set color_mixer = 'color_mixer_1' %}
{% set color_analyzer = 'color_analyzer_1' %}
{% set target_color = '[53, 29, 64]' %}
{% include 'color_lab/experiments/color_mixing/template_experiment.yml' %}

We specify the experiment type, the container to use, the color mixer and analyzer to use, and the target color.